Thursday, January 15, 2015

Who is a good candidate for veneers?

Porcelain veneers completed by our Encino dentist are a great option for improving your smile. Many patients often report increased confidence and facial rejuvenation after getting veneers. With this said, not all patients are ideal candidates for getting veneers, but if you are interested in finding out what makes a good candidate for porcelain veneers—you’ve come to the right place!

In general, candidates for porcelain veneers visiting our Encino dental office should have the following:
  • Smile imperfections: This includes tooth discoloration, tooth misalignment, misshaped or uneven teeth, tooth gaps, mild crookedness and more. Let’s be honest, if you have perfect teeth, why get veneers
  • Healthy teeth: We don’t mean perfect, but they should be healthy and free of gingivitis, serious tooth decay or gum disease. If you do have unhealthy teeth, these issues should be addressed before getting porcelain veneers. 
  • Tooth grinding or severe clenching: Veneers mimic natural teeth but lack full durability of natural teeth, which means that they are not as strong. Patients that grind or clench teeth are not ideal candidates, however, night guards are available to reduce grinding which could help in porcelain veneers application for tooth grinders. 
  • Wish for improving your smile: Of course, you need to want to improve your smile! The good news is that veneers don’t take multiple visits to our Encino dental office and don’t require months of treatment. They are a fast and easy way to improve your smile. 
 If you are interested in getting porcelain veneers, contact our dental office today for an appointment to find out if veneers are right for you. Our dental office in Encino provides a series of other cosmetic dental services to create your dream smile.