Monday, May 12, 2014

Dental Implants the Solution for Your Missing Teeth!

Even though losing a tooth is not a desired experience, it does happen to many people due to trauma or injury, dental disease or decay. Some years ago, the only solution for missing teeth involved bridges and dentures, but now you can have a natural, complete and long lasting smile with dental implants.

Dental implants are fixed teeth that are attached to the bone and have a natural look and function while maintaining jaw structure bite improvement. Missing teeth could change your facial features which create hollow structures in your face. With dental implants place by our dentist in Encino, you never have to worry about this happening.

Dental implants are a little more expensive than dentures or bridges but the immense benefits they bring covers them. The fact that they become your own teeth and that you don´t need to be removing, maintaining, and adding messy adhesives to them is yet alone completely worth it.

Don´t think twice — it’s a small effort for a lifetime of benefits!

Visit our website to find out more about dental implants and other cosmetic dental procedures.